A film adaptation of the theatrical comedy of the same name by Nikos Tsiforos and Polyvios Vasileiadis. A penniless but adept man is hired by a business undergoing serious problems. Through his capab...
Even though the adopted son of a businessman is not favored by his father, he runs the family business. He is secretly in love with his cousin’s wife, and when she asks him to suggest thirty workers...
A series of mysterious murders confounds the country’s secret services, as they investigate, discreetly but persistently, every aspect of the case. With the help of a number of coincidences, it is r...
Two clumsy and naive friends ( Fragkiskos Manellis and Thanasis Vengos ) are having a hard time holding down a job, but they succeed in helping their boss (Nikos Xanthopoulos) to marry the woman he lo...
Lisa (Aliki Vougiouklaki) is a very poor young woman who looks exactly like Mitsi, the daughter of the industrialist Mike Gavriiloglou (Lampros Kostantaras). Mitsi has run away from home to avoid an a...
Mitros and Mitrousis (Thanasis Vengos and Fragkiskos Manellis) are two clumsy guys who arrive in Athens and manage to get mixed up in the illegal sale of smuggled watches. They deliver the watches to ...
Kostas ( Kostas Chatzichristos) is the owner of a shop that sells dairy products. He is head over heels in love with Ntenti (Rika Dialyna) a rich, plump aristocrat who treats him as an inferior. Kosta...
The conflict between Eteocles and Polynices (the two sons of the dead king Oedipus, who claimed the throne of seven-gated Thebes) results in the death of both of them. The young king Creon orders that...